About Maria Ortega-Karic

Maria Ortega-Karic, founder and hands-on owner of Ortega Janitorial Services LLC, has been providing professional final construction, commercial and residential cleaning services for 15 years. Her company initially provided residential cleaning of Tucson homes for highly demanding professionals and active families. These clients form the backbone of integrity for Maria by consistently meeting their demands and special needs. Her committed, hands-on approach to deliver total satisfaction has brought 15 years of repeat clients and continued success.

What Clients Say:

Sundt Construction: “Maria has been a great resource for our company, and the way Maria conducts business just makes you feel like you’re part of her family.”

CHASSE Building Team: “I think it is your hands-on approach to all our jobs that sets you aside from other commercial construction cleanup companies we have used on our past projects”

JMAC Electric: “Maria’s hands-on approach and constant desire to please my staff and myself seem to be what sets her apart from other cleaning companies we experienced before hiring Ortega Janitorial Services.”
Final Construction, Commercial and Residential cleaning services...

Ortega Janitorial Service LLC
Promise & Core Values

Promise and Core Values

“There is nothing more important to my business than my customers and my employees. Without them, I could not survive. With each and every job we perform, we take on the responsibility of our work with tremendous pride. I have a strong commitment to my clients and loyalty to my employees. I think it is best summed up by what we insist on and comply with everyday within my organization and with every one of my clients to as the Three Cs:

  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Cooperation

This is what you can rely on time and time again when you work with Ortega Janitorial Services LLC. It is my personal promise and commitment to every client.